This quality freeware application boasts 40 Registry tweaks to improve performance and security. NT Registry Tweaker’s multitabbed interface logically arranges all 40 tweaks for quick and easy application. The Help file fails to explain the tweaks or offer default Windows values, but there is guidance as you use the program.

NT Registry Tweaker’s tabs split the tweaks into four groups: Performance, Explorer, Internet, and Security. Opening a tab displays 10 tips with checks for those currently enabled. Each tab includes a helpful option to set recommended values for that group. It’s clear these settings are geared toward novice to beginning users. Still, advanced users will appreciate the quick and easy way to set these common tweaks. Due to the nature of system configurations, the changes will help some users more than others. Most of the Explorer tweaks are actually user preference choices. The Internet tweaks are probably preset on most current Windows systems. The Security tweaks merely disable common screens and menus. Most users won’t enable them for personal machines.

NT Registry Tweaker’s free price, helpful tweaks, and simple operation make it a must download for novice users. And other users might discover tweaks they’ve neglected to set.


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